is the final copy of the UN Secretary-General's report (updated) on the situation concerning Western
Sahara for
the information of the members of the Security Council.
The Council's members received an advance copy of this report on April 6. Diplomats said that this final report came out with major amendments in paragraphs 22, 46, 72, 94, 112 and 114. (Find here the FIRST advance copy).
Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la situation concernant le Sahara occidental 2012.
Informe del Secretario General sobre la situación relativa al Sáhara Occidental 2012.
Informe del Secretario General sobre la situación relativa al Sáhara Occidental 2012.
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Members of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) in Oum Dreyga, Western Sahara. (Click on picture) |
of the Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara
1. The
present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution
1979 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the
mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western
Sahara (MINURSO) until 30 April 2012, and requested a report on the
situation in Western Sahara before the end of the mandate period. The
present report covers developments since the issuance of my report
dated 1 April 2011 (S/2011/249), and describes the situation on the
ground, the status and progress of the negotiations, and the existing
challenges to the Mission’s operations, as requested by the Council
in its resolution 1979 (2011).
Follow me on Twitter @NabilAbiSaab
2. The
reporting period was marked by a number of significant developments
in or related to the Territory. Within the Territory, largely
peaceful demonstrations of up to 200 Western Saharan protestors took
place periodically in Laayoune and other major towns, variously
seeking self-determination for the Territory, the release of
political prisoners, and/or employment and social welfare benefits.
As the year progressed, the frequency of demonstrations decreased
once local authorities reportedly addressed some of these grievances.
In January 2012, there was a temporary spike in demonstrations as the
trial of Western Saharans arrested after the Gdim Izik violence
(S/2011/249, paras 8, 91) approached, and in reaction to steps by
Spain and Morocco to introduce a new European Union accord with
Morocco on fishing and agriculture.
3. Fatal
violence, however, erupted in the coastal city of Dakhla on 25
September. The parties gave conflicting accounts of the events.
Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamra y de Río de
Oro (Frente Polisario) contended that one Western Saharan was killed
and more than 100 others arrested, as Moroccan civilians, backed by
Moroccan security forces, attacked a peaceful Western Saharan
demonstration protesting the killing of one of their own following a
soccer match between a mixed local team and a Moroccan team. In
letters addressed to me dated 27 September and 3 October, Frente
Polisario leader Abdelaziz called for protection of the Western
Saharans and the release of those allegedly arrested by Moroccan
security forces after the incident.
4. In
contrast, the Moroccan Interior Minister said in a statement
delivered on 30 September that seven people, including two police
officers, and three civilians run over by a vehicle driven by known
criminals, had been killed in the Dakhla clashes. The Government
reported that it was treating the incident as hooliganism, though
other motives were not precluded, among them community tensions,
disputes over the distribution of Government assistance and
subsidies, and employment competition in the rapidly developing local
economy of the city.
5. As
tensions mounted, my Special Representative visited Dakhla from 25 –
27 September, and met with a range of officials and tribal leaders.
Subsequently, the Mission deployed a political affairs officer to the
area temporarily in November to assess the situation after the
6. King
Mohammed VI appointed a consultative commission to draft a new
constitution for Morocco, which was endorsed by a public referendum
on 1 July. The text contains provisions related to “regionalization”
for the provinces, including Western Sahara, and to the Moroccan
autonomy plan for Western Sahara. The referendum was followed by
legislative elections on 25 November and the formation of a new
government headed by Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane. Both polls
were also held in the Territory west of the berm, though their
legality has not been determined. As it had in relation to the 2007
Moroccan parliamentary elections held in the Territory (S/2007/619,
para. 3), Frente Polisario condemned the inclusion of Western Sahara
in the ballots, which were nonetheless conducted in peaceful
conditions. In addition to the referendum and the elections, Morocco
celebrated the 12th anniversary of the King’s enthronement in July,
and the 36th anniversary of the “Green March” in November. On
both occasions, the King spoke in favor of regionalization and the
autonomy plan for Western Sahara and pledged to work for the return
of the refugees in Tindouf. He reiterated Morocco’s readiness to
achieve a solution to the conflict within the framework of the
Kingdom’s national unity and territorial integrity.
7. Frente
Polisario held its 13th General People’s Congress in December 2011,
followed by the formation of a new government and, in mid-February,
“Saharan Arab Democratic Republic” legislative elections. Frente
Polisario leader Mohamed Abdelaziz was re-elected as head of the
movement. The Congress approved a number of structural governance
changes to expand participation, and representatives from the part of
the Territory controlled by Morocco participated for the first time
since the 1991 Congress. Frente Polisario leaders maintained the
requirement for a referendum on self-determination and independence
for Western Sahara throughout the proceedings. Participants,
particularly the younger generation, called for the adoption of
further reforms, including new approaches to change the status-quo.
Youth groups also demonstrated in Tindouf in late 2011 and March
2012, calling on Frente Polisario leader Abdelaziz for party reforms.
Prior to the Congress, the Frente Polisario National Secretariat
convened in August to discuss a range of organizational, policy and
regional matters. During the period, Frente Polisario also
commemorated the 36th anniversaries of the “National Unity”
declaration and of the “Saharan Arab Democratic Republic”, as
well as the first anniversary of the Gdim Izik camp events.
8. The
European Parliament rejected on 14 December the extension of the 2007
Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Morocco. The Agreement had been
extended on 13 July, with a new clause requiring Morocco to provide
proof that Western Sahara benefited from the fishing proceeds. The
comments of the Rapporteur of the Parliament’s Committee on
Fisheries indicated that there were disputed legal issues with regard
to Western Sahara. In the case of this Agreement, the issue at hand
concerned whether or not the Agreement directly benefited the Western
Saharan people. The Opinion of the European Parliament’s Committee
on Development cited similar concerns, and referred to the 2002
advisory opinion of the United Nations Legal Counsel (S/2002/161) in
suggesting that any exploration or exploitation activities in Western
Sahara could only proceed if they were to the benefit of, and
according to, the wishes of the people of Western Sahara. In February
2012, the European Parliament gave its consent to concluding an
agreement concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures on
agricultural and fishery products and adopted a related resolution,
which called for the European Commission to ensure that the agreement
was fully consistent with international law and benefited all the
local population groups affected. Frente Polisario leader Abdelaziz
condemned the agreement in his 25 February letter to me, further to
his previous letters urging exclusion of Western Saharan waters from
the accord.
Activities of my Personal Envoy
9. The
period under review witnessed developments in the region related to
the emergence of the “Arab Spring.” Triggered by unrest linked to
unemployment, poverty, and corruption, the movement expanded into
wider claims for respect for human rights and the rule of law. Within
this context, the parties to the Western Sahara conflict, as well as
the neighboring states, experienced important political developments
of their own, with potential but uncertain effects on the negotiating
10. By
the end of the three rounds of informal talks held between March 2011
and March 2012, the parties had reaffirmed their strong commitment to
the negotiating process, agreed to continue discussing specific
subjects of mutual interest such as natural resources and demining,
and taken steps to implement prior agreements on Confidence Building
Measures and to explore new ones. However, on the core issues of the
future status of Western Sahara and the means by which the
self-determination of the people of Western Sahara is to occur, no
progress was registered. The parties continued to maintain what my
Personal Envoy had previously characterized as “unyielding
adherence to mutually exclusive positions.” In short, they
continued to demonstrate the political will to meet at regular
intervals and to engage on subsidiary issues, but have yet to
demonstrate the political will to break the stalemate.
Seventh round of informal talks
From 5 - 7 June 2011, the parties met for a seventh round of informal
talks at the Greentree Estate on Long Island, New York. The purpose
of the meeting was to review and exchange views on the guidance
provided in Security Council Resolution 1979 of April 2011, to
encourage the parties to deepen their discussion of their respective
proposals, to expand their exploration of innovative approaches and
discrete topics for discussion, and to examine the ideas put forth in
paragraph 120 of my report of 1 April 2011 (S/2011/249).
12. As
in previous informal meetings, the parties again discussed their two
proposals, but it was once again clear that neither party was
prepared to accept the proposal of the other. However, for the first
time, the parties engaged in exchanges on the mechanism for
self-determination of the Western Saharan people. They also began
discussing demining and requested the assistance of the United
Nations Secretariat in proposing a framework for reflection for
future exchanges on natural resources.
13. While
both parties emphasized their full commitment to the search for a
solution, it became clear that a lack of trust continues to haunt the
negotiating process and that each party harbours deep suspicions of
the other. The Moroccan delegation has expressed concern that Frente
Polisario was attempting to steer the talks back to the last peace
plan put forth by former Personal Envoy James Baker instead of
embracing Morocco’s autonomy proposal. The Frente Polisario
delegation has voiced concern that Morocco was exploiting the pursuit
of innovative approaches and discrete subjects for discussion to
divert the talks from the examination of the two proposals put forth
in April 2007 and to present the international community with the
appearance of progress.
Eighth round of informal talks
14. The
parties held an eighth round of informal talks from 19 - 21 July
2011, also at the Greentree Estate, to examine their two proposals
yet again and to take up discussion of one or more of the innovative
approaches or discrete subjects previously agreed. There was no
breakthrough in substance, since the parties maintained their
respective positions. However, agreement was reached on holding an
expert-level meeting on natural resources in Geneva and to begin
building a common data base of what exists and how it is being
During the eighth informal meeting, Morocco indicated that, because
of its upcoming elections and the resulting formation of a new
government, it would not be able to attend another round of talks or
receive my Personal Envoy until January 2012. Frente Polisario
indicated its readiness to meet later in 2011 but was unavailable
either in December or most of January 2012 because it was holding its
annual Congress and internal elections. My Personal Envoy therefore
proposed a new round of talks for 11 - 13 February 2012. Competing
demands on the heads of delegation of both parties and the
neighboring states required a further postponement. After
consultations with all concerned, a new round of informal talks was
scheduled for 11 - 13 March 2012 at the Greentree Estate (paras. 22 –
Visit to the capitals of the Group of Friends
16. During
the hiatus between the informal meetings, my Personal Envoy visited
the capitals of the Group of Friends and held several bilateral
meetings with the parties and neighboring states. From 3 - 8 November
2011, he visited the capitals of three members of the Group of
Friends of Western Sahara -- Madrid, Paris and Moscow, having earlier
consulted with senior officials in Washington on 14 October 2011. He
visited London on 15 December 2011 to complete the tour of capitals.
These meetings were useful, reflecting strong support of the efforts
of the United Nations, continued commitment to the framework of
direct negotiations set forth in successive Security Council
resolutions, and a fresh interest in moving beyond the status quo to
find a solution.
In the course of his meetings, my Personal Envoy sought the support
of the Group of Friends for two ideas on which he had briefed the
Council on 26 October 2011: consultations with and dialogue among a
cross-section of Western Saharans and consultations with a group of
Maghreb respected representatives on Western Sahara. He explained
that the purpose in both cases was not to replace the negotiators but
to encourage discussion, new ideas, and even proposals that could be
put to the negotiators for their consideration. It was a way of
broadening the thinking on the future status of Western Sahara and
generating new ideas that might help the parties overcome their
inability to move beyond their mutually exclusive positions. While
the members of the Group of Friends expressed broad support for these
two initiatives, both Morocco and Frente Polisario subsequently
expressed reservations. My Personal Envoy has not abandoned these two
initiatives and plans to discuss them further with the parties.
18. In
the capital of each member state of the Group of Friends, my Personal
Envoy also underlined that it was vital for the United Nations and
the international community as a whole to have access to reliable,
independent information on developments in both Western Sahara and
the refugee camps as they consider how best to promote a settlement.
This could be achieved through expanded reporting by MINURSO and more
frequent visits to both Western Sahara and the refugee camps by
diplomats, journalists, and others. There was broad agreement that
more and better independent information is needed and that, as
regards MINURSO, its personnel should enjoy full freedom of movement
and outreach in Western Sahara and the camps and have the ability to
carry out transparent reporting on significant developments, as in
other peacekeeping operations around the world.
Meeting on Natural Resources
19. From
8 - 11 November 2011, my Personal Envoy visited Geneva to meet with
United Nations agencies and to co-chair an expert-level meeting of
the parties on natural resources in Western Sahara at the Palais des
Nations, as agreed during the eighth round of informal talks. He made
it clear throughout the meeting that the discussion was merely
technical and that the issue of the final status of Western Sahara
should be put aside. However, the parties engaged in heated
discussions and mutual accusations of a political nature, with the
result that exchanges on the technical issues were limited. That
said, the Moroccan experts gave detailed presentations on the status
of selected resources such as fisheries, water, and minerals, as well
as environmental topics such as climate change and pollution, while
the Frente Polisario expert described contracts, awarded to a variety
of international companies for exploration of oil and mineral
resources, that were contingent on a settlement of the Western Sahara
conflict that led to independence.
20. The
Moroccan delegation stated that Western Sahara had limited natural
resources and required heavy infrastructure investments financed by
the Moroccan State to ensure its viability, particularly with regards
to water services. It also affirmed that the income obtained from
such exploitation benefitted the local population and was
sustainable. Frente Polisario strongly disagreed with both statements
and stressed the illegality of the unsustainable exploitation of the
resources of a non self- governing territory. It also called for
United Nations verification missions to ensure the sustainable
exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources. While it was
clear that the parties disagreed on the current state of natural
resources and the environment in the Territory, they discussed
possible next steps that could be taken on this topic during the next
informal meeting, in order to attempt to build a commonly agreed
database as a basis for further discussion.
Geneva meeting on Confidence Building Measures
21. As
agreed at the third round of informal talks, delegations from the
parties and neighbouring States met with UNHCR representatives in the
presence of my Personal Envoy and my Special Representative in Geneva
on 24 – 25 January 2012 (paras. 67-70).
Ninth round of informal talks
22. On
11-13 March 2012, a ninth round of informal talks was held at the
Greentree Estate. The parties discussed and disagreed sharply on the
purpose of the negotiating process. Morocco argued that the process
was meant to negotiate the details of its autonomy proposal in
preparation for a referendum of confirmation. Frente Polisario
countered that it was meant to open the door to all possibilities in
preparation for a referendum with multiple options. Each side
continued to reject the other’s proposal as the basis for
Two previously agreed specific subjects were discussed. On demining,
the parties named focal points for further coordination and
cooperation with United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS). On
natural resources and environment, they confirmed their intention to
provide the United Nations not only with focal points, but also with
all available information. This will permit UNEP experts to begin
building a data base as a foundation for future discussion of the
state of the environment and natural resources, including an
examination of the legal aspects of current exploitation.
24. On
confidence building measures, the parties and neighbouring states
welcomed UNHCR’s plans to lease a larger aircraft for family visits
by air (para. 67), thus greatly increasing the number of
beneficiaries, as well as its intention to explore the possibility of
arranging access to Internet cafés for separated families. They also
agreed to work with UNHCR to hold two inter-Saharan cultural
seminars, provisionally in June and in October, focusing on the role
of women and the significance of the tent (al-khaima) in Hassaniyya
culture, respectively.
With regard to next steps, the parties and neighbouring states looked
forward to the renewal of MINURSO’s mandate, welcomed the intention
of my Personal Envoy to travel to the region, including an extensive
visit to Western Sahara in May, and agreed to hold the next two
rounds of informal talks in June and July prior to the beginning of
the Muslim month of fasting.
Activities on the ground
26. As
of 15 March 2012, the military component of MINURSO stands at 228
personnel, including the Force Commander, administrative personnel
and medical unit officers, against the authorized strength of 231.
The Mission currently has six female military observers, from Ghana,
France, Mongolia, Nigeria and Uruguay. There are also three female
personnel – one doctor and two nurses – with the medical unit of
Bangladesh. I would welcome further deployments of female officers by
countries, both for operational reasons and to improve the Mission's
gender balance. During the period under review, the average monthly
number of French-, Spanish- and Arabic-speaking military observers in
the Mission was 20, 31 and 30 respectively, comparable to the
previous period.
27. The
military component remains deployed at nine team sites and at liaison
offices in Tindouf (Algeria) and in Dakhla. From 16 March 2011 to 15
March 2012, MINURSO performed 8,335 ground patrols and 530 aerial
patrols, including air reconnaissance, to visit and monitor units of
the Royal Moroccan Army and the military forces of Frente Polisario
for adherence to the Military Agreements.
MINURSO continued to maintain good relations and communications with
the Royal Moroccan Army and with the Frente Polisario, albeit with
divergences of opinion between the Mission and each party regarding
compliance with Military Agreement No. 1, particularly concerning the
status of long-standing violations. Both sides continued to abstain
from direct contact with each other; all known contact between the
two armed forces takes the form of written communications through
MINURSO observed and recorded 25 new violations of the Military
Agreement by the Royal Moroccan Army, compared to 126 recorded during
the previous reporting period. These violations in the restricted
area included the construction of new buildings, the deployment of
heavier caliber artillery pieces replacing older equipment in the
Smara and Mahbas subsectors, the construction of a global system for
mobile communications (GSM) antenna tower, and the installation of a
new mobile radar in Smara subsector, bringing the total to 47 mobile
and fixed radar violations since 2005.
30. In
regard to GSM antennae, in October 2011 the Royal Moroccan Army
requested MINURSO authorization to build nine towers with associated
shelters to deploy the antennae, eight inside the restricted area and
one in the area of limited restrictions. MINURSO did not approve the
eight requests for antennae inside the restricted area, which would
constitute violations of the Military Agreement by virtue of the
location and communications and tactical advantages GSM technology
convey. The construction of one GSM tower within a Royal Moroccan
Army compound inside the restricted area was confirmed as a violation
by MINURSO in December 2011. The Royal Moroccan Army contested the
violation confirmation by letter, indicating that the antenna
installation was for civilian purposes outside the scope of Military
Agreement No. 1.
31. The
Royal Moroccan Army also constructed four new stone walls, continued
to extend the existing six stone walls, and increased the lengths of
the two trenches in Bir Gandouz area in contravention of Military
Agreement No. 1.
32. During
the period, MINURSO monitored the 314 Royal Moroccan Army observation
posts considered, since 2009, as a temporary deployment line 15
kilometers west of the berm (S/2009/200, para. 21). Solid shelters
have now replaced tent accommodation in 251 of the observation posts,
to shield the troops from weather conditions. MINURSO continued its
efforts to resolve these issues in compliance with Military Agreement
No. 1.
observed and recorded seven new violations by the military forces of
Frente Polisario compared to 12 recorded in the previous reporting
period. These violations were primarily related to Frente Polisario
military personnel and equipment entering or traveling through the
buffer strip.
34. Long-standing
violations committed by the Royal Moroccan Army rose from eight
during the last reporting period to nine, with the replacement of
130mm by 155mm artillery pieces in subsector Houza in November 2011,
for a total of 59 long-standing violations. The total of
long-standing violations committed by Frente Polisario decreased from
four to three, with the withdrawal of an anti-aircraft artillery gun
from one of its observation posts in the restricted area. My Special
Representative and the MINURSO Force Commander held several meetings
with the senior military officials of each side to clarify the
ceasefire requirements and urge the parties’ strict compliance with
the provisions of Military Agreement No. 1. While both parties have
suggested that the Agreement should be revised, their intended
adjustments are mutually exclusive. Frente Polisario maintains that
closer monitoring of all aspects of Moroccan activity west of the
berm is required in order to uphold the ceasefire and Agreement
provisions. For its part, the Royal Moroccan Army holds that its
violations of the Agreement, primarily in the form of new
constructions in the restricted area, are preventative safety and
security responses to evolving regional security threats. It also
maintains that the civilian purpose and construction of the GSM
facility (para. 30) excludes MINURSO oversight despite the restricted
area location.
35. In
this vein, the Permanent Representative of Morocco wrote to me or to
the Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Peacekeeping
Operations on three occasions to contest Royal Moroccan Army
violations of the Military Agreement reported by MINURSO, indicating
that the actions were either not violations or were justified by the
need to secure the southern area against illegal activities and
security challenges in the region. The Mission continues to work with
both parties towards agreed, identical amendments of the Agreement,
though the distance between their positions has not decreased.
36. The
increase in restrictions on the freedom of movement of MINURSO
military observers cited in my last report was reversed during the
period. A single freedom of movement violation was committed by the
Royal Moroccan Army on 5 May 2011, when MINURSO was prevented from
visiting a company headquarters in subsector Bin Gandouz; no movement
restrictions were imposed by Frente Polisario.
received 14 allegations of violations of Military Agreement No. 1
from the Royal Moroccan Army concerning claimed Frente Polisario
incursions in the buffer strip. Frente Polisario submitted three
allegations of violations concerning claimed Royal Moroccan Army
helicopter overflights and berm repositioning. After MINURSO
investigation, the allegations were either not confirmed or could not
be confirmed due to lack of evidence.
received and reviewed 251 requests from the Royal Moroccan Army
regarding construction or maintenance of buildings and facilities
inside the restricted area, and the destruction of mines and
explosive remnants of war. Ninety-one requests concerned new
constructions of buildings inside existing compounds, 85 were for
time extensions for the completion of works already approved, 29 for
maintenance activities and 46 for destruction of ammunitions. Of
those requests, MINURSO approved 245 and rejected six. MINURSO
received and approved one Frente Polisario request regarding
construction of a guard post near a team site.
received 225 notifications from the Royal Moroccan Army concerning
firing and tactical training exercises, the movement of troops,
equipment and weapons, VIP and maintenance helicopter flights and the
destruction of mines and explosive hazards in the area of limited
restrictions. MINURSO received 12 notifications from Frente Polisario
concerning firing and tactical training exercises; the movement of
troops, equipment and weapons; and visits in the area of limited
restrictions. MINURSO monitored all the notified activities.
within its capabilities, provided medical support for the UNHCR
programme on confidence-building measures, and emergency medical
services, including casualty evacuation, to the local population on a
humanitarian basis. One such evacuation was carried out during the
reporting period east of the berm.
41. Helicopter
operations continue to be a most effective method of monitoring the
parties’ compliance with Military Agreement No. 1, covering large
areas of ground in a short time. Due to budget cutbacks for the
2011-2012 budget period, the Mission’s helicopter fleet was reduced
from three to two, which had a detrimental effect. Helicopter
reconnaissance patrols were reduced and overall air patrols have been
reduced by approximately 25%.
42. With
the increase in monitoring requirements related to the growth in
military infrastructure west of the berm, the MINURSO military
component needs to be strengthened. Military observers on the west
side visit 570 units and monitor 29 training areas, 314 observation
posts along a second deployment line west of the berm, and the
several long-standing stone wall and trench violations in Bir Gandouz
subsector. East of the berm, the military observers regularly visit
93 units, eight training areas, and 38 observation posts. The
military observers also monitor the security situation to keep the
Mission abreast of illegal activities that could affect the safety of
the observers in the area. It is assessed that an additional 15
military observers are necessary to address the increase in
monitoring requirements.
Substantive Civilian
My Special Representative, Hany Abdel-Aziz, continued to maintain
regular contacts with the parties to discuss MINURSO mandate
implementation and Mission operational matters and to employ his good
offices function to promote resolution of technical issues between
them. Recurring meetings were held with the Moroccan and with the
Frente Polisario authorities, and with the diplomatic community in
Rabat and Algiers.
MINURSO political affairs and public information officers continued
to monitor and report on developments in the Territory and the
region, supported my Special Representative’s good offices and
liaison activities with the parties, regional officials and
diplomatic corps, and through that reporting, assisted in keeping the
Personal Envoy informed of developments in and related to the
Territory. The Mission’s political office maintained constructive
relations with the respective Moroccan and Frente Polisario
Coordinators for MINURSO and relevant authorities, as envisioned
under the political office functions contained in resolution 1056
(1996), and briefed and periodically accompanied organizational,
foreign and media visitors to the Territory. Opportunities to
facilitate any other effort that could help set the parties on a
course towards an agreed formula for the resolution of their
differences were limited; the office thus focused its efforts on
local developments and situational analysis drawing on open source
45. To
the extent possible, the substantive civilian staff observed the
various and largely peaceful demonstrations and protests in the
Territory throughout the period. In the Tindouf area, the MINURSO
Liaison Office observed proceedings of the Frente Polisario Congress
and the preceding youth protests calling for Polisario reforms. As
indicated in paragraph 5, my Special Representative and a political
affairs officer deployed to Dakhla separately in the aftermath of the
September 2011 clashes to calm and assess community tensions. The
Moroccan authorities objected to MINURSO involvement, indicating that
the Mission had strayed beyond its mandate. The Mission was also
advised that no MINURSO office presence could be established outside
46. Below
the level of the Special Representative, all civilian meetings are
requested through and approved by the Moroccan Coordinator for
MINURSO west of the berm, and the Frente Polisario Coordinator for
MINURSO in Tindouf. Freedom of movement is unhindered west of the
berm, but access to external contacts is controlled, monitored, which
has an effect on interaction with the full spectrum of local
interlocutors. In parallel, Moroccan police presence outside the
compound discourages visitors from approaching MINURSO in an
independent capacity. There were also indications that the
confidentiality of communications between MINURSO headquarters and
New York was, at least on occasion, compromised. East of the berm,
the Territory is sparsely populated; relations between Mission
personnel and the civilian population are unrestricted but
infrequent. For interactions with Frente Polisario officials in the
Tindouf area, the practice has evolved to seek assistance with
arrangements from the Frente Polisario Coordinator. In visits to the
refugee camps, Algerian gendarmerie provide escort to MINURSO
civilian personnel mid-way from the airport to the camps. After the
23 October 2011 abduction of three humanitarian workers from the
Tindouf area (para. 51), Frente Polisario additionally provides
escort from the mid-point to the camps.
Mine Action
47. The
widespread contamination from land mines and explosive remnants of
war throughout Western Sahara continues to pose threats to the local
population, and to MINURSO military observers and logistics teams.
Since the August 2009 accident involving four military observers, the
Mission has continued to take steps to ensure the safety of UN
personnel, with enhancement of the Mission’s Mine Action
Coordination Centre as a key element.
48. One
fatal accident occurred east of the berm, with the death of a local
explosive ordnance expert in the course of his duties. Mine action
activities east of the berm are supported by the Mission and the
Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action, and implemented
by a partnership between the non-governmental organization, Action on
Armed Violence, and the commercial contractor, Mechem. With trained
Explosive Ordnance Disposal staff from the local population, the
teams destroyed 8,260 items, including aircraft bombs, artillery
projectiles, tank munitions, mortar bombs, and hand grenades in more
than five hundred contaminated locations. Of the 229 areas known to
have cluster munitions remnants, the teams cleared 209. Trading posts
and vegetable farms were established along previously contaminated
routes, and one school was built on land previously contaminated with
cluster munitions. More than 300 square kilometers of known
minefields remain to the east of the berm.
49. West
of the berm, six accidents, leading to two fatalities and injuries to
eight civilians and four military personnel were reported by the
Royal Moroccan Army. West of the berm, the scope of contamination is
not fully known. The Royal Moroccan Army reported the destruction of
9,026 mines and 461 unexploded ordnance during this reporting period
50. In
an effort to expand confidence building and technical cooperation, my
Special Envoy requested the Acting Director of UNMAS to visit the
region in July 2011. This mission was welcomed by both parties, and
included constructive discussions on the implementation of
International Mine Action Standards on both sides of the berm, the
use of mechanical assets to accelerate clearance, stockpile
destruction of anti-personnel mines east of the berm and the
potential marking of the barrier minefield along it.
Safety and Security
51. The
area of operation was not immune from the repercussions of
instability elsewhere. Of grave concern, one Italian and two Spanish
humanitarian workers engaged with aid groups working in the refugee
camps were kidnapped from Rabouni, near Tindouf, western Algeria, on
23 October. They have not yet been released. Some sources indicated
that the “Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa", said
to be an Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) splinter group, has
claimed responsibility.
52. Following
the abductions, my Special Representative in Western Sahara led a
delegation to Algiers and Tindouf of MINURSO security and military
and UNHCR-Geneva representatives, joined by the security experts from
the United Nations Country Team in Algeria, for discussions with
Government of Algeria officials and Algiers-based diplomats on the
incident, as well as for an examination of security enhancements for
United Nations and humanitarian personnel in the area. The delegation
also visited the refugee camps in Rabouni, meeting with United
Nations staff and Frente Polisario officials for the same purposes.
MINURSO took immediate steps to ensure the safety of all personnel in
both Tindouf and east of the berm, involving strengthened cooperation
and security measures, movement restrictions, raising the security
level in Tindouf and east of the berm, as well as operational
adjustments and team site fortifications.
53. The
abduction incident was the first of its kind since the Mission was
established. Regional security instability poses a spillover risk to
unarmed military observers operating in proximity to porous borders
east of the berm, and is a matter of concern. In the aftermath of the
incident and amid a reported increase in regional AQIM operations,
criminal activities and weapons proliferation in the Sahel after the
October 2011 fall of the Libyan regime, MINURSO reviewed security
conditions and updated its security risk assessment for all team
sites east of the berm, where military observers are posted in remote
locations, isolated from Frente Polisario support units, and
vulnerable to potential attack. In cooperation with Frente Polisario,
the Mission took additional risk mitigation measures, including 24
hour-static security guards. It also improved team site fencing and
lighting, siren and alarm installation, surveillance cameras and
monitors, and satellite vehicle tracking systems.
Persons unaccounted for in the conflict
54. The
International Committee of the Red Cross continued to work with the
parties and families concerned in pursuing the question of persons
still unaccounted for in relation to the conflict.
Assistance and protection to Western Saharan refugees
55. The
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Health
Organization (WHO), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
continued to provide protection and assistance to the Western Saharan
refugees in the camps near Tindouf, Algeria. These organizations
worked with the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil
Protection (ECHO), the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and
Development, and several international and local nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) to provide the assistance. UNHCR enhanced its
protection presence and monitoring through its direct presence and
interaction with refugees, constructing new field offices in all the
camps to bring services closer to the refugees. It also supported
legal establishments operating in the Tindouf camps and provided
incentives and training to lawyers and judges.
56. During
the reporting period, the main areas of support comprised food and
water distribution, sanitation, education, transport and logistics,
health, agriculture, shelter, protection, and community services.
Pending an assessment of the beneficiaries, WFP continued to provide
90,000 general food rations and 35,000 supplementary general food
rations to the most vulnerable refugees each month, while UNHCR added
complementary food. The two agencies also conducted 45 general food
basket distribution visits to different food distribution points in
the camps each month, as determined by a joint needs assessment.
UNHCR and WFP, through their implementing partner, the Algerian Red
Crescent, conducted a supplementary feeding program to moderately
malnourished children under five years, and pregnant and lactating
women in all camps, distributing two new food products, the
introduction of which was preceded and accompanied by education
campaigns to ensure their acceptance and effective use.
also provided support to the nursing school, conducting training
courses for nurses and midwives, and supplying products and teaching
aids. UNHCR continued to support the Community-based Therapeutic
Centre programme, and provided the Saharan health facilities with the
needed consumables for the dental clinics and X-ray services as well
as the required laboratory reagents/equipments, covering about 70% of
their total needs. In order to increase awareness about sexually
transmitted infections, UNHCR initiated a pilot project focusing on
HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. UNICEF continued to implement the Expanded
Program on Immunization, including capacity building and cold chain
maintenance to protect children.
support to a number of vocational centres for women, youth and
persons with disabilities continued during the period. A UNHCR
income-generating agricultural project involving small-scale
manufacturing of sweets in the Dakhla camp was also inaugurated.
rehabilitated six schools in the camps to accommodate the sudden
return of Western Saharan students from Libya and to train teachers
in curriculum development and pedagogy. Since 2008, 25 students have
been recipients of UNHCR scholarships. UNICEF also provided school
supplies for the education sector.
continued to supply the refugees with potable water, constructing new
water networks to reduce the cost of water delivery by truck.
Solidaridad International, a Spanish NGO, installed water systems in
all the camps with funding from ECHO and UNHCR. Local staff members
at the Saharan water department were trained on technical aspects of
water treatment.
62. WFP
provided logistic support at the warehouses at the extended delivery
point, which are managed by the Algerian Red Crescent and the Western
Sahara Red Crescent, on a daily basis. In October 2011, WFP and UNHCR
fielded a Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) to evaluate the
implementation of the operation since the last JAM in 2009, reviewing
the gaps in the main sectors of interest -- food, health, education
and water, sanitation and hygiene. The mission visited all camps, met
with camp representatives and sector authorities, and collected vital
household data.
63. Pursuant
to the recommendation in my report of 6 April 2010 (S/2010/175, para.
75) and Security Council Resolution 1979 (2011), requesting UNHCR to
maintain its consideration of a refugee registration in the refugee
camps, in line with its mandate and principles, UNHCR continued its
dialogue with the host country.
Confidence building measures
With the cooperation of the parties, UNHCR continued to implement the
Confidence Building Measures (CBM) programme to facilitate contact
and communication between Western Saharan refugees in the Tindouf
camps and their families in the Territory west of the berm. MINURSO
provided logistic support to the program through air transport,
police officers to facilitate preparations and serve as escorts, and
medical staff. Family visits and cultural seminars remain the two
fundamental components of the updated CBM Plan of Action, as agreed
with the parties in January 2012.
The CBM programme encountered unanticipated challenges following the
kidnapping of the three humanitarian workers in Rabouni near Tindouf.
Following the incident, MINURSO security mitigation measures
restricted movement of UN personnel, and UNHCR suspended missions to
the refugee camps and postponed family visit flights scheduled
between 28 October - 4 November. In coordination with MINURSO, UNCHR
undertook an assessment mission to evaluate security arrangements and
seek advice and assurances on staff safety from the Government of
Algeria and Frente Polisario. The family visit flights resumed on 14
November after the introduction of special security and escort
66. Between
2004 and the end of 2011, the total number of registered persons in
the camps near Tindouf and in the Territory was 42,603. Of this
number, 12,316 persons have benefitted from the family visits
program. To simplify procedures for the existing family visits
programme by air, UNHCR conducted a mass verification exercise
between 11 July and 11 October for CBM registered families; 6,651
persons were verified. Pre-cleared lists of potential families were
shared with the parties, from which a final list for each flight will
be submitted to both parties. The parties subsequently agreed to the
seven-step pre- departure preparation procedures presented by UNHCR
to streamline the process. Earlier in the year, UNHCR conducted a
general registration exercise for the purpose of maximizing the
number of beneficiaries, and to verify and update the old
registration lists.
67. In
April 2011, UNHCR jointly undertook a road reconnaissance mission
with MINURSO to explore the possibility of expanding family visit
activity through the inclusion of travel by road. Due to logistic
complications and funding requirements, this option did not prove
feasible in the short-term. During a 24 – 25 January CBM meeting
convened by UNCHR in Geneva, the parties agreed to maintain, but put
on hold, the road option as a possibility to increase the number of
beneficiaries. In the interim, it was agreed to seek a larger
aircraft with a carrying capacity of 150 passengers, potentially
increasing the number of family visit beneficiaries to 6,000
annually. The UNHCR-chartered aircraft will operate under the same
arrangements as MINURSO aircraft under the Status of Mission
Agreements with Morocco and Algeria. Now that the aircraft has been
secured and is scheduled to commence flights on 11 April, both
MINURSO and UNHCR will need to augment their support for the
expansion of the programme.
From 12 - 16 September, UNHCR organized a seminar on Hassaniyya
culture, traditional heritage, and practices in Madeira, Portugal.
The seminar was attended by 34 participants drawn equally from the
Territory and from the Tindouf camps in Algeria. At the Geneva CBM
meeting, the parties and the two neighboring countries acknowledged
the positive outcome of the seminar, and agreed that another cultural
seminar should be held in Portugal, in agreement with its Government.
UNCHR plans to organize the seminar and an additional one during the
coming period.
69. Following
engagement with the parties by the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees, António Guterres, and by my Personal Envoy, UNHCR
chaired the 24 - 25 January CBM evaluation meeting (para. 67).
Representatives of the parties, Algeria and Mauritania as observers,
my Personal Envoy, and my Special Representative attended.
Participants reaffirmed the importance of the CBM programme and the
need to find ways and means to maximize the links between families
who have been divided for 36 years due to the conflict. The parties
expressed their commitment to cooperate fully with UNHCR in
implementing CBM activities, in accordance with its mandate and
principles, and to preserve the humanitarian character of the CBM
operation. They also committed to ensure UNHCR’s full and
unhindered access to the refugee camps in Algeria and CBM
beneficiaries in the Territory.
In addition to the agreements concerning the family visit programme,
preparation procedures, and suspension of the road option,
participants agreed that UNHCR assess options for the use of new
information technology to facilitate communication links between the
families. They also reiterated their agreement to hold at least
twice- yearly coordination meetings to review progress on the CBM
programme and discuss issues of mutual concern, as well as their
support to UNHCR to organise an evaluation of the CBM programme as a
lessons learned exercise in 2012, and adopted the updated January
2012 UNHCR Plan of Action for CBM implementation.
Irregular Migrants
71. No
irregular migrants were recorded in Western Sahara during the
reporting period.
Human Rights
Frente Polisario continued to appeal for protection of Western
Saharan human rights and for an independent monitoring mechanism in
the Territory during the period. Frente Polisario leader Abdelaziz
addressed 17 letters to me alleging violations of Western Saharans’
human rights by Moroccan security forces in various locations of the
Territory, involving intervention in or repression of the
demonstrations cited in paragraph 2. The allegations also concerned
the conditions of detention and trial before military courts of
Western Saharan suspects of the November 2010 Gdim Izik violence, as
well as repression by Moroccan security forces of demonstrations held
in solidarity with the prisoners.
The Government of Morocco has provided information to the Office of
the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) on actions it has taken
regarding the human rights situation in Western Sahara. In the
context of King Mohammed VI’s reforms, the Government established
the Regional Commission of the National Council of Human Rights
(NCHR) for Laayoune, Boujdour, Smara and Tarfay, and for Dakhla and
Aousserd. Both Commissions became operational in December 2011. At
this early stage of their existence, it is not possible to evaluate
the impact of the Regional Commissions.
74. The
Government of Morocco also informed OHCHR of its follow- up on the
recommendations made by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry,
which was established in 2011 to investigate the violence surrounding
the dismantling of Gdim Izik camp near Laayoune in November 2010.
After investigation, the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry
recommended compensation for all victims. The Government reported
that a number of Western Saharans who were victims of violence during
the dismantling of the camp, filed compensation claims and are
awaiting a final decision. The Government also noted that other
victims of violence (who did not file claims) have received
compensation on the basis of a mediation procedure.
75. During
the past year, there were developments regarding Western Saharan
activists. On 14 April 2011, the Casablanca Court of Appeals
provisionally released Western Saharan activists Ali Salem Tamek,
Brahim Dahane, and Ahmed Naciri, after 18 months in pre-trial
detention. They were arrested alongside four other activists in
October 2009, upon their return from a visit to the refugee camps in
Tindouf, Algeria. The trial of the seven defendants charged with
“harming Morocco’s internal security”, started in October 2010,
but has been postponed repeatedly. A verdict is yet to be announced
on the case.
76. On
25 September 2011, seven individuals were reportedly killed,
according to the Moroccan Interior Minister’s 30 September
statement, including two Moroccan police officers, during violent
clashes after a soccer match in Dakhla (paras. 3 – 4). The
Government of Morocco informed OHCHR that the central prosecutor
within the Court of Appeals of Laayoune ordered an investigation into
the events. Following a trial by the same court in relation to the
incident, ten Western Saharans were sentenced to prison terms ranging
from four to ten years on criminal charges. Sixteen others are still
detained in a prison in Laayoune pending the completion of their
77. According
to information received by OHCHR, some 120 Western Saharans,
including women, were tried for a range of charges, including
violence against civil servants, before the Laayoune Civil Court of
Appeals. They were provisionally released after almost one year in
pre- trial detention, pending the verdict. In addition, out of the
120, 23 individuals are currently facing trial before the Permanent
Military Tribunal of the Royal Armed Forces in Rabat on charges of
“constitution of criminal gangs and violence against security
enforcement officers.” As stated by the Human Rights Committee on
the right to a fair trial, set forth in article 14 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the use of
military or special courts to try civilians raises serious problems
as far as the equitable, impartial and independent administration of
justice is concerned, and should be exceptional and in full
compliance with the guarantees under article 14 (CCPR/C/GC/32, para.
22). The Committee has recommended that every individual be tried by
ordinary courts or tribunals using established legal procedures in
accordance with international human rights instruments.
In early November 2011, the above-mentioned group of 23 detainees
started a hunger strike in the prison of Salé (located outside
Rabat) to protest against their detention conditions and demanded
their release. After 38 days on hunger strike, a committee composed
of members of the NCHR and the National Delegation for Prison
Administration - a Moroccan governmental body dealing with prisons -
initiated a dialogue with the detainees. Following the assurance of
the committee to guarantee the improvement of their detention
conditions and to allow national and international observers to
monitor future hearings, the detainees agreed to suspend their hunger
strike on 7 December.
79. On
13 January 2012, after more than one year of pre-trial detention, the
Permanent Military Tribunal of the Royal Armed Forces in Rabat
postponed all further hearings indefinitely, and two of the 23
detainees were transferred to a hospital due to critical health
conditions. On the same day protests in solidarity with the 23
detainees were reportedly broken up by Moroccan security forces in
In November 2011, in its consideration of Morocco’s fourth periodic
report, the Committee against Torture expressed concerns about the
alleged excessive use of force by Moroccan law enforcement officers
and security personnel. The Committee also raised concern about
alleged cases of arbitrary arrest and detention, detention in secret
places, torture, and ill-treatment, the extraction of confessions
under torture and excessive use of force.
81. During
the reporting period, OHCHR received allegations of poor detention
conditions in the prison of Salé. In addition, alleged acts of
torture and degrading treatment in the custody of police forces have
been reported to the Prosecutor’s Office. It remains unclear
whether investigations into violations by law enforcement personnel
have been initiated or not.
82. Morocco
has not yet formally extended a standing invitation to all Special
Procedures, but three Special Procedures mandates were engaged during
the period. In the context of her official visit to Morocco, the
Independent Expert in the field of cultural rights visited the city
of Dakhla, in Western Sahara, on 14 September 2011. She recommended
that “measures that limit the cultural rights of the population of
Western Sahara should be immediately revoked”, and reported that “a
number of Saharawi were unable to give their children Hassani names”.
On 24 February 2012, the Government of Morocco confirmed 15 - 22
September 2012 as the dates for the Special Rapporteur on torture and
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment to
undertake visits to Morocco and to Western Sahara.
83. From
13 - 20 February 2012, the Working Group on discrimination against
women in law and in practice conducted an official visit to Morocco.
Due to time and logistical constraints, the Working Group was unable
to travel to Laayoune or Dakhla in Western Sahara.
84. It
is too early to assess the full impact of the Human Rights Council
monitoring mechanisms in this context, though some limitations are
apparent due to the scope of the remit and structure of engagement by
special procedures, which preclude sustained and comprehensive
monitoring.. There are currently 36 thematic special procedures
mandates that address a wide range of human rights issues. Each has a
mandate to report and advise on human rights from the individual
thematic perspective. Each covers the situation in all Member States
of the United Nations and each conducts visits to two or three States
African Union
continued its cooperation with the observer delegation of the African
Union, led by its Senior Representative, Ambassador Yilma Tadesse, of
Ethiopia. I wish to reiterate my appreciation of the African Union
for its contribution. MINURSO continued to support the African Union
delegation in Laayoune, with logistic and administrative assistance
drawn from its existing resources.
86. On
3 - 4 September 2011, my Special Representative attended a high-level
meeting in Cairo, Egypt, organized by the African Union, where common
strategies and enhanced cooperation towards advancing peace in Africa
were discussed. This meeting was a follow-up to that held in Cairo
from 26 - 28 August 2010, jointly organized by the United Nations and
the African Union.
Financial aspects
87. The
General Assembly, by its resolution 65/304, appropriated the amount
of $61.4 million for the maintenance of MINURSO for the period 1 July
2011 to 30 June 2012. Should the Security Council decide to extend
the mandate of MINURSO beyond 30 April 2012, the cost of maintaining
the Mission until 30 June 2012 would be limited to the amounts
approved by the General Assembly. The proposed budget for MINURSO for
the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 in the amount of $58.7 million
(exclusive of budgeted voluntary contributions in kind) has been
submitted to the General Assembly for consideration during the second
part of its resumed sixty-sixth session.
88. As
at 19 March 2012, unpaid assessed contributions to the Special
Account for MINURSO amounted to $46.8 million. The total outstanding
assessed contributions for all peacekeeping operations as at that
date amounted to $2,440.3 million.
89. As
at 19 March 2012, amounts owed to troop contributors totaled $0.43
million. Reimbursement of troop and contingent-owned equipment costs
have been made for the period up to February 2011 and October 2010,
respectively, due to insufficiency of cash in the special account of
the Mission.
Challenges to MINURSO operations
90. In
its resolution 1979 (2011) renewing the mandate of MINURSO until 30
April 2012, the Security Council requested that, in my next report, I
examine the existing challenges to MINURSO’s operations, reflecting
on the situation on the ground. These challenges fall into three
categories: those related to the mandate, the military and
substantive civilian activities, and the security conditions.
91. In
terms of the Mission’s mandate, the principal purpose of MINURSO’s
establishment was to organize and supervise a referendum on Western
Sahara self-determination and, as a supportive function, to monitor
the ceasefire between the parties and maintain the military status
quo. The stalled political process has meant that MINURSO has not
been able to implement a referendum or continue organizational
preparations for the transition process. The MINURSO mandate is thus
de facto restricted to monitoring the ceasefire, and as the original
mandate anticipated an imminent referendum, the Security Council’s
instructions on ceasefire monitoring were general in nature.
The complete suspension of referendum activities in 2003, combined
with the diminished international profile of the conflict and changes
in the operational environment, have encouraged the parties to
develop their own, not always compatible, interpretations of the
Mission’s mandate. Morocco favors a narrower military peacekeeping
operation, while Frente Polisario expects broader monitoring of the
welfare of the population and inclusion of a human rights mechanism
as in other peacekeeping missions. These divergent interpretations
have led to an approach to the Mission which has, over time, eroded
the Mission’s authority, weakened MINURSO functions, and brought
deviations from standard peacekeeping practice.
93. Challenges
related to MINURSO military and substantive civilian activities are
also grounded in derogations from generally accepted peacekeeping
principles, norms and practice. For example, the requirement that
MINURSO vehicles display Moroccan diplomatic license plates and
Moroccan flags around the MINURSO headquarters create an appearance
that raises doubts about the neutrality of the Mission.
94. Military
monitoring and reporting of violations suffer from the lack of
precise ceasefire terms and MINURSO’s lack of authority to prevent
or rectify non-compliance. Military Agreement No. 1, agreed by each
side in 1997 and 1998, regulates military equipment, new defensive
construction and deployments in the restricted areas adjoining the
berm to maintain the 1991 status quo. Neither side fully respects
this Agreement. Morocco stresses the scope of security threats in the
southern reaches of the Territory as justification for non-compliant
military measures. Previous Frente Polisario irregularities have been
attributed to individual commanders, but seem also to have been
utilized as a means of protesting the stalemate in the political
process. These factors have undermined the Mission’s ability to
monitor and report consistently on the situation on the ground, and
to uphold the spirit and letter of the ceasefire and Military
Agreements and the deterrent effect of the United Nations
international presence.
is responsible for monitoring, assessing and reporting on local
developments affecting or relating to the situation in the Territory,
maintenance of the ceasefire, and political and security conditions
affecting the peace process led by my Personal Envoy. These standard
peacekeeping mission functions provide the Secretariat, the Security
Council, and my Personal Envoy with information and analysis
pertaining to the situation in Western Sahara, especially as MINURSO
is the only international presence in the Territory apart from a
small UNCHR office that facilitates the CBM programme. Ideally,
MINURSO officers would have unfettered access to the full spectrum of
interlocutors west of the berm and in the Tindouf area for these
purposes, be they local or national officials, opposition activists,
or civil society leaders.
96. East
of the berm, security of MINURSO personnel is a growing concern
affecting operational activities. Threats from the deterioration of
security in the Sahel, gaps in regional security coordination,
reported arms proliferation from the Libya conflict, and resource
shortages for border control and stronger security measures expose
military observers to increased risks. Night patrols have been
suspended since the 2008 ambush of Mauritanian troops near its border
with Western Sahara. There have also been MINURSO incidents of
confrontation with smugglers. Out of concern for the military
observers’ security, Frente Polisario advised MINURSO to limit
movement following the October 2011 abductions in the Tindouf area.
MINURSO and Frente Polisario have put additional security measures in
place, though more may be needed depending on further developments
and the gravity of security implications.
97. Both
parties guarantee MINURSO freedom of movement and access to
interlocutors, provided that the parties’ forces are treated
equally, according to Frente Polisario, and according to Morocco,
conditioned by the bounds of established practice. Established
practice is at the core of the challenges facing MINURSO operations.
It has become increasingly difficult for MINURSO to fulfill mandate
implementation requirements in a credible manner, given the
constraints that have evolved over time as described above (paras. 92
– 96).
Observations and recommendations
98. During
the period under review, the three rounds of informal talks between
the parties, their two meetings on natural resources and confidence
building measures, and the numerous bilateral consultations that my
Personal Envoy held with them, confirmed that the parties continue to
have the political will to meet, but not as yet to engage in
substantive negotiation toward the objective set forth in successive
Security Council resolutions, namely “a just, lasting, and mutually
acceptable political solution, which will provide for the self
determination of the people of Western Sahara.”
Each party reads history, the successive resolutions of various
United Nations organs, the doctrine and practice of the United
Nations, and the domestic, regional, and international atmosphere, as
well as the consequences of the Arab spring, as justifying and
bolstering its position. The result is positions that present
seemingly unbridgeable differences on both the purpose of the
negotiating process and the means of satisfying the requirement for
Frente Polisario argues that Western Sahara is an on-self-governing
territory whose final status must be settled through an exercise of
self- determination, foreseen in Security Council resolutions and
defined in General Assembly resolutions. In Frente Polisario’s
view, the parties must therefore accept the need for several possible
options, and for a referendum that presents these options to the
people of Western Sahara for decision in line with traditional United
Nations doctrine and practice. In addition, Frente Polisario believes
that key stakeholders support these positions and that the logic of
the Arab spring requires that the people of Western Sahara enjoy
freedom of expression and peaceful assembly to make their views
Morocco argues that Western Sahara should enjoy advanced autonomy
within its sovereignty and that this “compromise” between
independence and integration into Morocco is the only solution to the
conflict. In Morocco’s view, the Council’s call for negotiations
“with realism and in a spirit of compromise” recognizes Morocco’s
proposal, and the parties should negotiate the details of autonomy.
Furthermore, Morocco believes that current United Nations doctrine
and practice allow for self-determination through negotiations and a
confirmatory referendum, that important stakeholders support these
positions, and that the logic of the Arab spring has been applied to
Western Sahara by extending Morocco’s democratic reforms to that
Despite the manner in which the parties read domestic, regional, and
international developments, it is clear that the environment
surrounding the Western Sahara conflict is changing on many levels.
Over time, these changes could bring the parties to begin modifying
their positions on the purpose of the negotiating process and the
means of satisfying the requirement for self-determination. In so
doing, they could present new opportunities for a settlement that
enjoy the support not only of the parties, but also, importantly, of
the people of Western Sahara.
However, it is also possible that, despite changes in the
environment, the parties will continue to hold to their mutually
exclusive positions as enshrined in the two proposals presented to
the Council in April 2007, with the result that the status quo is
likely to persist. The consequences of such a situation would merit
close attention in time.
Absent a new framework, my Personal Envoy will continue his
established pattern of activities, including those outlined in
paragraph 120 of my previous report. To that end, he will continue to
explore the possibility of convening a group reflecting a
cross-section of the people of Western Sahara for consultations and
dialogue as a way of generating new ideas to present to the
negotiators. In addition, he will also explore the possibility of
convening a group of “wise men” from the five states of the Arab
Maghreb Union for the same purpose, in recognition of the fact that
the Western Sahara conflict is North Africa’s last major dispute.
As another means of fostering the development of new ideas, my
Personal Envoy will also encourage the parties to facilitate visits
by diplomats, legislators, journalists, and others to permit the
international community to gain a greater understanding of the views
of those directly affected by this conflict. Ultimately, any
settlement that the parties reach will require the support of the
people of Western Sahara for it to be just, lasting and mutually
acceptable and if future tensions are to be avoided.
As noted in my previous report, addressing human rights issues is
also important for the larger resolution of the conflict. All parties
have responsibilities to ensure the protection of human rights.
Efforts have been undertaken in this regard, but human rights issues
continue to be raised with regard to the people of Western Sahara,
demonstrating that concerns still exist. It is important that the
mechanisms to address the situation, as envisaged in para. 121 of my
previous report to the Security Council, are given full and immediate
effect. Hence the efforts noted require further and more focused
engagement with the situation in Western Sahara and the camps.
I welcome the anticipated family visit capacity expansion to increase
the number of refugees and their family members, divided by the
conflict for many years, who can benefit from the programme, and
recommend an increase of six MINURSO police officers necessary to
support the expansion. I also note the successful Saharan cultural
seminar, and the parties’ commitment to continue constructive
cooperation with UNHCR in the effort to alleviate the divisive
effects of the conflict. I would like also to thank Algeria and
Mauritania for their support to the humanitarian programme of family
I am pleased to note the progress in the clearance of land mines and
explosive ordnance of war and the decrease in mine accidents recorded
since my last report. These invaluable activities contribute directly
and positively to the safety of the civilian population as well as of
United Nations personnel. I also note the positive reception and
constructive discussions held by each party with the United Nations
Mine Action Service on the implementation of International Mine
Action Standards on both sides of the berm. To sustain this vital
work, I call upon donors to support the efforts of the parties and of
MINURSO in order to take advantage of the progress and investments
made to date.
109. At
present, the main tasks of MINURSO comprise monitoring of the
ceasefire agreement between the parties, reporting on both sides’
military activities and developments in and affecting the Territory,
demining activities, and provision of logistic support to the UNHCR
CBM programme. Within the constraints in which it operates, MINURSO
has maintained its ceasefire monitoring function, and its presence on
the ground has played an important role in deterring the parties from
breaking the ceasefire agreement or resuming hostilities. It has made
good progress in demining, clearing vast areas of the Territory, and
effectively facilitated the family exchange visits under UNHCR
In monitoring the ceasefire agreement, the MINURSO military observers
contend with a range of situational and capacity challenges in the
course of their duties. They monitor a total area of 104,000 square
kilometers and within it, the berm of 1,600 kilometers in length.
Lacking the capabilities to cover the entire 266,000 square kilometer
Territory, the main monitoring effort is now focused on the berm and
the restricted areas on either side, via ground patrols and air
reconnaissance, to observe and report on compliance with the
ceasefire under the terms of Military Agreement No. 1. The military
observers perform a number of related tasks that are equally critical
to the deterrence role of the Mission, to assure each side of the
other’s non-aggressive intentions, and to resolve issues or
tensions when they arise. They investigate and verify violations of
Military Agreement No. 1, and respond to requests concerning
prohibited activities and notifications of permissible activities
from both parties. In addition, the military observers investigate,
to the best of their abilities, the allegations of one side against
the other, and ensure that each side is duly informed of the
The Mission’s ability to fully monitor and assess the situation in
the Territory, and interact with the full spectrum of interlocutors,
is essential, as illustrated in the context of the violence in Dakhla
following a sports event. I regret the loss of life in the ensuing
clashes on 25 September, and am concerned by the evidence of
simmering community tensions in the western part of Territory,
another consequence of the absence of a peace agreement between
Morocco and Frente Polisario, and the continuing status quo in
Western Sahara. I am equally concerned by the deterioration of
security conditions in the region, which expose the military
observers east of the berm to uncertain risk. I express my sympathy
to the humanitarian workers abducted from Tindouf and their families
and appeal for the victims’ immediate and unconditional release.
I have outlined a series of challenges in my report, which
demonstrate that MINURSO is unable to exercise fully its peacekeeping
monitoring, observation and reporting functions, or avail of the
authority to reverse the erosion of its mandate implementation
capabilities on its own. I seek the Council’s support to sustain
the peacekeeping instrument as it was intended to operate for three
critical purposes: 1) as an instrument of stability in the event that
the political stalemate continues; 2) as a mechanism to support
implementation of successive Security Council resolutions related to
the mandate of MINURSO (the United Nations Mission for the Referendum
in Western Sahara); and 3) to provide independent information on
conditions on the ground to the Secretariat, the Security Council,
and the international community. A United Nations operation on which
both parties rely, which is able to function as a neutral arbiter
between the sides and a solid deterrent to further changes in the
military status quo, would return MINURSO operations to the norms and
standards expected of contemporary peace operations.
113. As
a guarantor for the stability of the ceasefire, and as a visible
commitment of the international community to achieve a resolution of
the Western Sahara conflict, I believe that the presence of MINURSO
remains relevant. I therefore recommend an increase of 15 military
observers to bolster its monitoring capacities. In light of the
challenges described in this report, I seek the assistance of the
Security Council in reasserting the mandated role of MINURSO,
upholding peacekeeping standards and United Nations neutrality, and
ensuring that the minimum conditions for the successful operation of
the Mission are met. I call on both parties, Morocco and Frente
Polisario, to cooperate fully with MINURSO in achieving these
objectives. In this context, and in light of the continuing efforts
of my Personal Envoy, I recommend that the Security Council extend
the mandate of MINURSO for a further 12 months, until 30 April 2013.
In conclusion, I wish to thank Christopher Ross, my Personal Envoy,
for his tireless diligence in working with the parties towards a just
and lasting and mutually acceptable political solution that will
provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. I
also thank my Special Representative in Western Sahara, Hany
Abdel-Aziz, as well as Major General Abdul Hafiz of Bangladesh, who
assumed his duties as MINURSO Force Commander on 24 July 2011, for
their able and dedicated leadership of MINURSO. I wish to thank the
former MINURSO Force Commander, Major General Jingmin Zhao of China,
who returned home on 10 April 2011 after a distinguished tenure in
Western Sahara. Finally, I also thank the women and men of MINURSO
for the work they are performing in difficult circumstances, to
fulfill the Mission’s mandate.
Follow me on Twitter @NabilAbiSaab
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